Seperti kata ABBA,
What would life be
Without a song or a dance what are we?
Maka, tiap orang di dunia ini pasti memiliki memori tersendiri ketika mereka mendengarkan alunan musik. Bahkan beberapa diantara kita banyak yang mengidentifikasikan diri melalui musik. Musik juga kadang bisa bercerita lebih banyak ketimbang ribuan kata yang kita susun untuk menggambarkan sebuah situasi atau untuk me-recall kenangan-kenangan kita selama hidup. Yep. Musik emang kaya setengah nyawa, setengah jiwa. Yeah, at least buat gue.
So to celebrate our memories about music, gw iseng- iseng posting tag-tag an dari facebook berikut ini. Huehehee...
The Challenge:
Think of 25 albums that had such a profound effect on you. They changed your life or the way you looked at it. They sucked you in and took you over for days, weeks, months, years. These are the albums that you can use to identify time, places, people, emotions. These are the albums that no matter what they were thought of musically shaped your world. When you finish, tag 25 others, including me. Make sure you copy and paste this part so they know the drill. Get the idea now? Good. Tag, you're it!
01. SPICE-spice girls Akh! MAntabh! Tell me what You want what you really really want.. Hiaahahhaa 
02. What's The Story (morning Glory)- Oasis Album wajib taon segitu 
03. Beetlebum- Blur Woo hoo...!
04. This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours- Manic Street Preachers
05. Jagged Little Pill- Alanis
06. Pieces of Me- Jewel
07. Masterplan- Oasis
08. Be Here Now- Oasis
09. No Name Face- Lifehouse
10. Performance & Coctails- Stereophonics
11. MTV's Alternative nations Compilations 1 &2. Hauhahahaaha. Mantabh! SMP banget!
12. OST The Faculty
13. OST Across The Universe
14 Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie- Alanis
15. Parachutes- Coldplay
16. Spiceworld- Spice Girls
17. Reason- Melanie C
18. A Mark, A Mission, A Brand- Dashboard Confessional
19. The Colour & The Shape- foo Fighters
20. Nimrod- GreenDay
21. Coming Up- Suede
22. OK Computer- radiohead
23. Bleed American- Jimmy Eat World
24. Waiting for My Rocket to Come- Jason Mraz
iihh..trend tag baru yaa, me...mau yaa, aku copas...hihih...
sip-sip. enjoy!
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