Tuesday, February 26, 2008



Saying goodbye is suck. Really suck.

Kalo pagi ini choco harus saying goodbye ke mono... maka gue harus saying goodbye ke Spice Girls. Hauhahaha... beda banget ya.!?! lol Yah, maklumlah gak punya pacar yang harus sekolah ke luar negeri sih.. Go choco!!!

Here's their final blog on www.thespicegirls.com:


Our time is up... we've come to the end of the road… there are tears of both sadness and joy. Look how far we've come!

Who would have thought that our reunion could have turned out to be this amazing? It just shows what can grow out of an exciting thought, an idea, a hope, a dream. Yes, our reunion tour is proof that dreams do come true.

We have been lucky enough to have shared it with the most loyal fans in the world. Ten years on, you came back still wanting more… and it looks like we made some new friends along the way. You have inspired and ignited us with each show, the 47 that we performed, each time was amazing and it is thanks to you.

So we look to the future with hope and imagination and let Girl Power live on through all of you as it will continue in us and the future generations to come.

We have learnt so much through you and through each other.

"Never give up on the good times always believe in the love you find."

We hate goodbyes but sadly the time has come to take our final bow so maybe our song says it best:

"Goodbye my friend, it's not the end… So glad we made it, time will never ever change it… "

Mission Accomplished...


Emma, Geri, Mel B, Melanie C and Victoria

Yep. Tanggal 26 waktu Canada kemarin Spice Girls konser untuk terakhir kalinya. Konser ke-47 mereka sejak desember tahun lalu yang dimulai di Canada juga. Sedih dan bete karena gue gak berkesempatan nonton konser reuni mereka ini, yang bisa jadi gak bakalan kejadian lagi sepanjang hidup gue. Padahal udah nyiap-nyiapin diri buat nonton konser mereka yang di Hong Kong... hiks   Tapi gak pa pa lah.. Akan ada DVD yang bisa gue beli dan gue simpen seumur hidup. hauahahha...

"Goodbye, girls...!"


Maddy Pertiwi said...

Hati gw menangis,,,

Riri Maulidina said...


ginatri noer said...

Sabar ya jeung... DVDnya beli yang asli ya! jangan yang bajakan :p