Saturday, May 02, 2009


Listen, blog!


I have a confession. Im an addict.

Yes I am.

But i do not want you to save me, or whatever... 

Cause this is feel so good. Seriously good.....

Yep. Im addicted to Tina Fey. Tina Fey’s joke that is.


Hari ini aja, gue berhasil nonton 30 season 1&2 untuk ke… sekian… kalinya. Hahahaa. Weirdo! Hehehe. Ya abies?!? Season 3nya belom ada?!  Coba download di indowebster ternyata error terus. Nyari di youtube cuma bagian satu doang. Nonton di websitenya 30 Rock, videonya gak available di Indonesia. Hiahahahaa. Ribet amat sih!


Karena gak tau lagi mesti ngeplay dvd yang mana, gue akhirnya memutuskan buat following Tina on twitter. Hauahahaha. Thank’s God she spend a lot of time on this thing. Yippie!  And she’s really makes my day with her stupid & funny words ...


Check this out:


I'm a multitasker. Which is why I nap on the toilet.

7:20 AM Apr 7th from web

People ask if my vagina is anything like Sarah @palinsvagina. The answer is yes, but mine is smarter.

7:19 AM Apr 7th from web


People keep telling me that once you have a twitter, you have to update it. Pshaw. What do they know?

7:18 AM Apr 7th from web


I think I can safely speak for America when I say, we're not shallow, but please, Britain, do something with Susan Boyle's eyebrows.

10:08 PM Apr 18th from web


Akh! I can’t never get enough of  her! She’s just awesome!!!! Love you, Tina…!


ginatri noer said...


Maddy Pertiwi said...

TINA!!! Eh loe punya Twitter Me??? Apaan???

ginatri noer said...
